Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Happiness and Meaning

The ways of happiness and meaning are not the same. To find happiness, a man need only live in the moment; he need only live for the moment. But if he wants meaning - the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life - a man must reinhabit his past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. Thus nature dangles happiness and meaning before us all, insisting only that we choose between them.

Jed Rubenfeld
The Interpretation of Murder

What does it mean to give meaning to life?

I thought it was all about taking responsibility, about making it count, about taking the less traveled and necessarily harder path of existence. Experiences from these certainly make for interesting tales and reminiscence. And that, in its essence, is the true meaning of life.

Or is it?

In the larger scheme of things, I'm beginning to wonder if it would it be so wrong to have it simple and easy..


Kecikjer said...


simple and easy would be nice for a change..

Opie said...


Hey, did you know we're going to a garden wedding this weekend with Jeff's family?

Well, it's not exactly a garden. It's at the lakeside in front of MRR2.. where we found Youga?

Might be nice.. let's bring our DSLR over! ^^